Friday, April 12, 2019

New 2048 with Color !

New style with ColorPlay, eMojiPlay, AlphabetPlay, FruitPlay

* 2048 Basic Play: 1 + 1 = 2; 2 + 2 = 4; 4 + 4 = 8...
* Alphabet ''A To Z'' Play:
A + A = B
B + B = C, C + C = D and ...

* Smile ''Ecomotion'' Play:
(sad) + (sad) = (bored)
(bored) + (bored) = (think)
(think) + (think) = (fun), (fun) + (fun) = (smile)...

* Color "White to Red" Play:
(Blue) + (Blue) = (Red)
(Red) + (Red) = (Yellow), (Yellow) + (Yellow) = (Orange)...
* Basic Play:
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4...

* Fruit "Apple, Kiwi, Banana" Play: ...

... and more future for you, come on and have fun